Timeline for bugs found and fixed in the EGCS search engine and ht://Dig

Any bugfixes and improvements specific to ht://Dig (that is, most or all of them) are rolled back into the ht://Dig project.
Fix date is when the fix was introduced here, while spot date is when the bug was apparent from logs or otherwise.

Fix date Spot date Description
1999-11-03 1999-10-21 When exactly one document matches, the search dies, or gives an inordinate amount of "match stars" due to an uninitialized variable.
(not yet) 1999-04-18 Sorting on the title still keeps the titles in-core for all hits, causing aborts for searches with c:a 15000 hits.
1999-04-24 1999-04-20 Bug with searches that was supposed to return empty results, as with "optimiz flags powerpc". The bug was introduced with the 1999-04-18 fix.
1999-04-18 1999-02-?? Using any sort criteria other than "Best Match" or "Worst Match" was a memory hog. In-core data new significantly reduced for all sort criteria.
1999-04-10 1999-04-10 Searches with restrictions had a memory leak, causing aborted searches for even a moderate number of hits. The bug was introduced with the 1999-04-03 import.
1999-04-03 1999-02-?? Import of htdig 3.2.0-dev to get improvements in data structure layout for smaller memory requirements and the new ht://Dig option to enable "_" as part of a word.

Last modified: November 3, 1999
Complaints to webmaster@bitrange.com